Yesterday I sent the first e-mail to previous students about my upcoming workshop in Melbourne/Indialantic FL. The workshop is a design your days workshop -- meaning you can choose the days you wish to come from Tuesday through Sunday, February 22 - 27th.
Here is the information I sent to the previous students:
I hope you have all had a wonderful year. I know times have been very tough for most of us, but hopefully everyone has had a decent year. Have you had time to draw or paint? I hope so. I have attached a photo of a recent painting that won "Best in Show" at the Great Chattahoochee Paint Out this past August. It is a pastel with a water color underpainting, done on Ampersand Pastelbord, and is a 16"x20". Thought you would enjoy seeing one of my favorite paintings I have done recently!
"Willeo Park Misty"
Pastel 16" x 20"
"Best in Show" |
I have been working hard marketing and ramping up the learning on my end! Studying how to take my art to the next level -- which means I have more understanding about all the issues I have already been teaching. I have something new I want to put before you this year. I have been doing mentoring sessions in Woodstock. It is something slightly different than just taking a class and learning how to apply paint or pastel to the surface. We sit down and discuss various aspects of painting, look at work that might show a specific theory, etc. Then we paint something that might illustrate those points we have talked about. This means getting very specific about what you are painting!
I also have a new session I will be offering this coming year in my home town -- Smyrna -- where we moved a couple of months ago. I will be providing session where we can do more investigation and discussions about marketing your work, organization, research, social media, competitions and what to submit, etc. Discussion will be about where you want to go with your work, what you see as your strong points, etc. If you are interested in a "mentoring" session while I am in Florida, please let me know and we will schedule one for you in Indialantic. These can be more one-on-one sessions, but if I have a couple of students at one time, it might make it more interesting.
Here is the workshop information for this next February -- 2011!
Florida – Indialantic / Melbourne Area –
WORKSHOP 2011 -- Studio, Plein Air, Mentoring:
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun.
Feb. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 & 27
Again this year -- You Can Choose Your Days! And I am keeping the cost the same as last year.
Session cost is $60 per day. You also have the option of choosing three days at a cost of $150 - saving you $30 off the daily cost. Deposit of $50 will assure a spot in class. Please call Jeanne Andre, 321-773-2434 in Indialantic or me in Smyrna (770-926-3623). Classes: 3800 N. Riverside Dr., Indialantic, FL 32903 and local area. E-mail me at to let me know you are interested in the class and for address to send your deposit. Please tell your friends about the workshop and how much you have learned in the past and also what a good time we have. All the information below is the same as last year.
The workshop will be studio and/or plein air (outdoors from life) according to those students that sign up for each day. Locations in the Melbourne/Indialantic area yet to be determined if we leave the Riverside property. This workshop is geared for any medium, and some demonstrations will be in pastel and some in oil.
This workshop is appropriate for beginning or advanced student. All students still receive individual attention geared to their level. If you are painting in studio, bring photographs (no copyrighted material, please), or you may paint from mine. You may choose which of the days you can attend, according to your needs, and plan studio or plein air. The property at Riverside Drive is beautiful and has many great painting spots.
Pastel is my main instruction medium, and beginners will be very comfortable taking this workshop to learn pastel techniques. Students taking the workshop using oil or acrylic will receive the benefit of my experience in oil and acrylic. And, most theories are the same no matter the medium you use. Call me if you have questions. A supply list will be given upon payment of deposit.
Emphasis is on composition and value, with temperature and color a strong second! There will be added emphasis on quickly creating a thumbnail sketch to work from, blocking in the darks and lights, and finding the colors and developing the painting. This class is not just to paint a pretty painting from start to finish * the principles of planning, starting and working through the painting are foremost.
"Ghost Ranch Canyon"
Oil Plein Air 11" x 14"
Now at Windrush Gallery in Sedona AZ! |
The class fills up in a hurry, so if you are interested, please contact me or Jeanne Andre ASAP! Returning students are given priority, but there is usually space available for several new students each session. This is a fun class, especially inspirational with all the artwork being created around you by the other students! Class size is small!
For more information about me, my bio and my artist statement, see my web site, or you can call 770-926-3623 (Smyrna, GA), or e-mail me at To get an idea of what I have been doing with my art lately, you might enjoy reading previous posts here on my blog. Read about my fabulous trip out West -- Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu NM for a week workshop with Ann Templeton, painting in Canyon de Chelly in Northwest AZ with Wanda Crane and Denise Champion, and then a whole month painting in Sedona AZ with five artist friends - and with side trips to the Grand Canyon and Jerome AZ.
Let me hear from you -- I would love to have you in my workshop in Florida in February!