
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Workshop in Florida

Workshop 2010 - Indialantic / Melbourne, Florida
One Session Only This Year
Feb., 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21 (Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun.)
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. -- Studio and Plein Air!
You Can Choose Your Days This Year!

This year we are structuring the workshop differently -- choose your days! The cost is $60 per day and a deposit of $50 will assure you a spot in this popular class. Please call Jeanne Andre, 321-773-2434 in Indialantic, FL, or me in Woodstock, GA, 770-926-3623. Classes will be held at 3800 N. Riverside Dr., Indialantic, FL 32903 and the local area. E-mail me (address below) for address to send your deposit.

The workshop will be studio and/or plein air (outdoors from life) according to those students that sign up for each day. Locations in the Melbourne / Indialantic area are yet to be determined -- if we leave the Riverside property. This property has many beautiful areas that will work for plein air if we don't leave!  The demonstrations will be in either pastel or oil.

The workshop is appropriate for beginning to advanced students. All students receive individual attention geared to their level and medium. If you are painting in studio, bring photographs (no copyrighted material, please), or you may paint from mine. You may choose which of the days you can attend, according to your schedule and needs, and plan studio or plein air.

Pastel is my main instruction medium, and beginners will be very comfortable taking this workshop to learn pastel techniques. Students taking the workshop using oil or acrylic should have some experience with their medium, but will receive the benefit of my experience in oil and acrylic. Most theories are the same no matter the medium you use. Call or e-mail me if you have questions about this. A supply list will be sent upon payment of deposit.

The workshop emphasis is on composition and value, with temperature and color a strong second! There will be added emphasis on quickly creating a thumbnail sketch to work from, blocking in the darks and lights,  choosing your colors and developing the painting. This class is not just to paint a pretty painting from start to finish -- or to learn to paint like me. The principles of design, starting and working through the painting are most important. If you are painting in studio from a photograph, there will be discussion about the limitations of photographs and how your observations on location can help.

Please contact me or Jeanne Andre ASAP to sign up. Sometimes it fills in a hurry and with the reduction in days this year, you might miss out. This is a fun class, especially inspirational with all the artwork being created around you by the other students. Class size is kept small with no more than 15 students. Believe me, you will say "You're back already?"

For more information about me, my bio and my artist statement, see my web site,, or you can call 770-926-3623 (Woodstock, GA.), or e-mail me at

I hope to hear from you!

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