Karen Margulis and I will be doing our "Team Teaching Workshop" again this May in Blue Ridge, GA. You can email me and I will send all the information. You can also see the information and tips on my website:
marshasavage.com under the Workshop tab. This workshop fills up fast, so don't delay if you are interested. There are still a few places left in the workshop, but I don't expect them to be there very long. Each time we do this the workshop is full with a waiting list. The dates and a little info is in the flyer shown below and more about the workshop is in a paragraph of info below the flyer image!
If you have the idea you need more instruction for plein air painting, or just painting in general, this workshop is the one for you.
One view of our river! |
The workshop base is the Savage cabin, located on 1 ½ acres on the Toccoa River, 7 miles from downtown Blue Ridge, GA (this is toward the Northeast). My address is considered Mineral Bluff.. There is the river ... of course! There is a barn with lean-to, stacks of wood, pump house, muscadine vines, a few pieces of farm equipment, wagon wheels, a deck at the river, pavilion with table and wooden swings, old-time painted metal glider and chairs, and a dirt/gravel road that winds to the property. Plenty of stuff to paint. It is an old cabin and unique. Some of our neighbors just a few doors down allow us to paint on their property also, with river views and some rock groups in the water... a beautiful area.
More Info!
We also plan the first day at the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association in their workshop room. We show images on a screen and talk about working plein air. Karen and I both do a quick demo. After each or our demos, the students get to work on a piece that is shown on the big screen and think about the plein air approach. It helps to have a practice day before the next day of being outside with everything and trying to decide what to paint. Takes a little pressure off, maybe!
Come join us. You won't be sorry! We have great fun, and you learn loads from two teachers!