White Pine Light
Pastel 14" x 11" |
I will be making a change in my Open Studio Sessions here at my home studio. I think we need a better plan for what we will work on each day that is planned.
I have been in a little slump with my own work and trying to figure out how to raise the level of what I love to paint ... trees and the landscape around them. So, my first week of Open Session Days will be about trees... both Tuesday and Wednesday. This way, if you are only a "Tuesday" person, or a "Wednesday" person, you still have the opportunity to work on trees!
Cool Sumac
Oil 11" x 14" |
I will be looking at plein air paintings I have done, photographs I have taken, sketches I have done on location, or thumbnails for previous paintings. These should give me some ideas for planning a new painting .... and I will be more thoughtful, slower to put brush or pastel stick to the board. I will paint with a purpose, know what I want to do, and proceed from there. If you plan to attend, you need to bring photos you have taken of trees, plein air pieces, or I will also have photos. And, if you have a piece you are working on that is about trees, you can bring that.
Parks Vista
Oil Plein Air 12" x 9" |
The first week the dates will be
Tues. & Wed., Jan. 8 & 9
.... you should be ready to jump in and paint by then!
I will be structuring my Open Studio Sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday for January and February. I hope one of these days each week can work for you! Remember the time is from 10:00 until 4:00 or any portion of that time. Cost is $25 per day. Here are the remaining dates:
McCarthy Dogwoods Turning
Oil Plein Air 11" x 14" |
Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 15 & 16
Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 22 & 23
Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 29 & 30
Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 5 & 6
Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 12 & 13
Cypress Evening
Pastel 12" x 9" |
Come join me and explore trees and all the beautiful negative spaces created by this magnificent part of our landscape!
Roadside Beauty
Oil 24" x 18" |
Send me an e-mail if you need more information:
marshasavageart@yahoo.com .