Here is a shot of the main section in the courtroom with several paintings showing. The lady with the turqoise top and white skirt is my gallery owner, Cheryl Engledow -- owner of the High Country Art & Antique Gallery in downtown Blue Ridge.
There were over 100 people at the reception -- no exact count, but 100 people signed up for winning a painting. I know some that were there and not on the list -- so not real sure of the attendance number other than I know over 100!! Great!

The next shot shows me greeting a previous student, John Cottongim, and his wife. He made the drive up from Marietta, GA for the show. He also let me know he has had some paintings accepted into two different shows that are on view right now in the Atlanta, GA area.
We hired a wonderful young lady, Jennifer, to play the guitar and sing -- and I was complemented several times about how wonderful it was and what a classy reception it made with her there. Thank you Jennifer! I have a picture of her singing.

And a few more photos of people at the reception and, of course, you can see the paintings in the background. And, a shot of my friend Carly Hardy and a young man in the crowd that drew a number -- corresponding to a name on the sign-up list to win a 9x12 plein air painting!